Facebook Pixel & Facebook Conversion API

What is Facebook Pixel?

In light of iOS 14 and the existence of intelligent tracking prevention (ITP) algorithms in Safari, Firefox, and Mozilla, Facebook is unable to track accurate data for iOS users. The issue can be resolved by capturing data directly from the server rather than the browser through the Conversion API or server-side tracking.

Through the Conversions API, advertisers are able to connect their marketing data with Meta systems that optimize ad targeting, reduce cost per action, and measure results. Direct integrations require establishing a connection between Meta and an advertiser’s server.

What is Facebook Pixel?

In light of iOS 14 and the existence of intelligent tracking prevention (ITP) algorithms in Safari, Firefox, and Mozilla, Facebook is unable to track accurate data for iOS users. The issue can be resolved by capturing data directly from the server rather than the browser through the Conversion API or server-side tracking.

Through the Conversions API, advertisers are able to connect their marketing data with Meta systems that optimize ad targeting, reduce cost per action, and measure results. Direct integrations require establishing a connection between Meta and an advertiser’s server.

Difference between Facebook Pixel & Conversion API

You decide to launch a new marketing campaign and run some ads on social media or wherever you see fit. Excited, you sit back and wait for the traffic and ROI to start in. Many browsers today, such as Safari and Firefox, block data sharing through so-called intelligent tracking.

Using only traditional browser-based web analytics means you are unaware of how much traffic your site is receiving and what your visitors are doing once they are there.

Approximately 30-60% of tracking data is lost to Ad-Blockers, misconfiguration, and Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), meaning that the information we rely on is at best unreliable.

Difference between Facebook Pixel & Conversion API

You decide to launch a new marketing campaign and run some ads on social media or wherever you see fit. Excited, you sit back and wait for the traffic and ROI to start in. Many browsers today, such as Safari and Firefox, block data sharing through so-called intelligent tracking.

Using only traditional browser-based web analytics means you are unaware of how much traffic your site is receiving and what your visitors are doing once they are there.

Approximately 30-60% of tracking data is lost to Ad-Blockers, misconfiguration, and Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), meaning that the information we rely on is at best unreliable.

Overview of Setup Facebook Pixel and Conversion API by Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Here is an overview of the steps involved in setting up Facebook Pixel and Conversion API through Google Tag Manager (GTM).

Setup Facebook Pixel by Google Tag Manager

Connection between Website and Google Tag Manager

Setup Facebook Pixel by Google Tag Manager

Connection between Website and Google Tag Manager

Setup Facebook Pixel by Google Tag Manager

GTM integration with different CMS

Browser Side Standard Events Setup

GTM integration with different CMS

Browser Side Standard Events Setup

Page View, View Content, Add To Cart, Checkout & Purchase

Lead, Add Payment Info

Stape or Google Cloud Server Setup

Server Side Events Setup by Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Stape or Google Cloud Server Setup

Server Side Events Setup by Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Dynamic Value Pass for E-Commerce Website

GTM Server-Side Container Creation

Dynamic Value Pass for E-Commerce Website

GTM Server-Side Container Creation

Connect between GTM Server and Client Server

Conversion API Tag Implement in GTM Server Container

Connect between GTM Server and Client Server

Conversion API Tag Implement in GTM Server Container

Setup GA4 Client for Receiving Browser Events Data

Setup User Personal Information

Setup GA4 Client for Receiving Browser Events Data

Setup User Personal Information

Event Match Quality Increasing for Better Remarketing

Setup Deduplication by Event Id & Event Name

Event Match Quality Increasing for Better Remarketing

Setup Deduplication by Event Id & Event Name

Publish All Setup in Google Tag Manager


Publish All Setup in Google Tag Manager


Bug Checking from GTM Preview Mode

Error Fixing

Bug Checking from GTM Preview Mode

Error Fixing

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